
Ringwood Library Refurbishment

Today I attended the launch of the refurbished Ringwood Library. While the works were relatively minor such as the rearrangement of the information desk, improvements to lighting and the creation of additional seated areas will transform Ringwood Library into a place to browse, read and relax rather than a mere place to borrow books.

The transformation of libraries into was is known as the ‘third place’, that is a place to relax and spend time in other than work or home, will renew interest in library facilities and transform them into spaces for the whole of the community to enjoy. Live music from local bands is expected to be a regular feature of the library.

Further work is planned for Ringwood Library including the possibility of opening the garden courtyard over summer months.


  1. Does the Ringwood Library take work experience students?

  2. Hello,

    Thank you for your email. It would be best to speak to Ringwood Library directly as they will be able to assist you in a work experience placement.

    Ringwood Library can be contacted on 9870 0177 or 9870 0377, Bern Nolen is the current branch manager.



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