Harmony Day, held each year on 21 March, provides a unique occasion for schools, community groups and organisations to celebrate our cultural diversity and show that everyone belongs.

Mayor of Maroondah, Councillor Alex Makin said Maroondah City Council has joined together with Eastern Regional Libraries, Mission Australia, Centrelink and the Department of Justice to provide a program of events at Ringwood Library on Thursday 18 March to celebrate Harmony Day.

“I invite the Maroondah community to come along to the Ringwood Library and take part in the range of activities that have been organised by the working party,” said Cr Makin.

“Children will be able to enjoy story-time, while everyone will enjoy the dancing and entertainment provided by members of the Sudanese, Chin and Karen communities,” said Cr Makin.

“There will also be an information expo in the Ringwood Room of the library, with representatives from Council, Centrelink, Mission Australia and the Department of Justice available to answer questions and offer a range of information and advice,” said Cr Makin.

Harmony Day, along with Cultural Diversity Week, will be celebrated at Ringwood Library on Thursday 18 March from 11am to 5pm.

For further information and a schedule of activities visit Council’s website at www.maroondah.vic.gov.au or Ringwood Library at www.erl.vic.gov.au

About Harmony Day

Managed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Harmony Day celebrates the cohesive and inclusive nature of our nation and promotes the benefits of cultural diversity.

The continuing message of Harmony Day is ‘Everyone Belongs’. It’s about community participation, inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

The 2010 theme is ‘Express yourself’, through action, performance, fashion and food.

Since Harmony Day began in 1999, thousands of schools, community groups and organisations across Australia have celebrated Harmony Day in a range of different activities and events.


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