Maroondah City Council has stepped up the Ringwood Station advocacy campaign launching an online video highlighting major accessibility issues at the station.

Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin said the video highlighted the shocking state of the station.

“The video really shows how bad the station is and how inaccessible it is for those who rely on wheelchairs or scooters as a mode of transport. Viewers will be able to see what these people go through every time they use Ringwood Station,” Cr Makin said.

“I have met with and spoken to many people in the past few weeks and they have all expressed their fear of using the station because of the accessibility issues,” Cr Makin said.

“In one case the ramps were so steep that the rear support wheels on their wheelchair lifted two or three centimetres off the ground while going down the ramps. Others cannot stop on the ramps because the brakes are not strong enough to cope with the inappropriate gradient,” Cr Makin said.

“These cases just highlight the station’s inadequacies and shows the personal impact it is having because it is not compliant with the State Government’s own Disability Discrimination Act. It is time that Ringwood Station receives the upgrade it deserves,” Cr Makin said.

“Since the start of the advocacy campaign, the amount of support and feedback Council has received has been phenomenal. This is something that the people of Maroondah feel strongly about, and Council has listened to their concerns and is doing everything possible to ensure our concerns are heard,” Cr Makin said.

Maroondah City Council is conducting a petition calling on all state political parties to commit to an upgrade of Ringwood Station within the term of the next government.

The video will be available via Maroondah City Council’s website from Tuesday September 13.

Go online to watch the video, to complete an online submission or to download a copy of the petition:
Maroondah Council website –
Maroondah Youth Services website

To sign the petition:

Visit one of Council’s service centres:
City Offices Service Centre
Braeside Avenue, Ringwood

Eastland Service Centre
Level 2, Eastland Shopping Centre, Ringwood

Croydon Service Centre
Civic Square, Croydon

Visit one of Council’s facilities:
Arrabri Community Centre
Allambanan Drive, Bayswater North.

Croydon Library
Civic Square, Mount Dandenong Road, Croydon.

Karralyka Centre
Mines Road, Ringwood.

Maroondah Federation Estate
Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood.

Ringwood Library
4 Ringwood Street Mall, Ringwood
(Adjacent to Eastland Shopping Centre).

Wyreena Community Arts Centre
13-23 Hull Road, Croydon.

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