Media Release: Fireworks and pets don’t mix

As Christmas cheer fills the air, family and friends gather to celebrate the festive and new year season. And no family celebration would be complete without our loyal family pets. However, while Christmas and New Year fireworks can be a popular attraction, unfortunately many family pets don’t enjoy the light and sound show the same way we do.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said the loud noises made by fireworks can easily spook family pets, and particularly dogs, who may be left unattended or in unsecured backyards.

“Dogs have an acute sense of hearing, which intensifies the loud ‘bangs’ of the fireworks and causes them to panic and be frightened. At this time of the year it is best to ensure your dog is secure in your home or back garden, and most importantly, don’t take them to events which will have fireworks,” Cr Makin said.

“Many of the dogs collected by Council officers last year were, fortunately, registered and some were even microchipped. Making sure your pet is always wearing its Council registration tag can also help us return your pet to you promptly,” Cr Makin said.

“Missing a loved one during the festive season can quickly dampen the celebrations, so please double check the security of your yard and make sure your pet is not one of the ones that goes missing this year,” Cr Makin said.

Further information:

Every dog and cat over the age of three months must be registered. All newly registered dogs and cats must be microchipped.

Discounts apply for pets that are desexed and are permanently identified by microchip, With applicable discounts, most people will pay $29 to register their dog and $23 for their cat. Pensioner concessions also apply.

Owners of animals who are unregistered may be fined $239, and if found wandering at large by Council Rangers will be fined $179 during the daytime and $239 after dark.

For more information about registering and microchipping your pet, please contact Council’s Local Laws team on 1300 88 22 33 or visit Council’s website at

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