
TWiSK: Pooch petition barks for off-leash space

This Week in St Kilda (TWisK) is Port Phillip’s online source of local news. This week TWiSK covered the presentation of our petition to Council which requests:

  • No loss of current dog off-leash spaces or their present duration of usage.
  • Provision of additional dog off-leash spaces commensurate to the current and future dog population.

Now that the petition has been presented to Council, it will be tabled at a Council meeting and then provided with a formal response.

Alex Makin, Dog Network’s steering group member, said ‘Almost 2,500 people across Port Phillip signed this petition representing over 2% of our population. People are passionate about their communities and about the spaces required for dogs.’

Let us hope that Council listens and acts on our concerns.

Read more at: Pooch petition barks for off-leash space – TWiSK (gdaystkilda.com.au)


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