This afternoon community members (and their dogs) joined Natalia and I to officially launch my election campaign for Montague Ward. Port Phillip Council needs Councillors that are responsive to the community and act on their concerns.

As the only candidate that lives in Montague Ward and being politically independent I am eternally grateful for the many members of our community who have offered to show their support through letterboxing, posters and corflutes.

I also thank the community for urging me to run for Council and for having confidence in my abilities and dedication to represent the many voices that are part of Montague Ward and Port Phillip.
Together we can be Making it Happen for Montague Ward and Port Phillip.
Ballot packs arrive from Monday 7 October and you must number every box in order of your preference for your vote to count. Please make sure you return your ballot via post by Friday 25 October.

If you would like to show your support or want to discuss Montague Ward and Port Phillip. Please contact me on 0409 136 213 or
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