PTUA Outer East Branch Meeting – Ensuring better public transport for all of Melbourne

March is a crucial time for public transport advocacy, with the Commonwealth Games underway and the release of the Transport and Liveability Statement expected in late April. Discussion at this month’s branch meeting focussed on the lobbying efforts of other organisations and the need to ensure that the improved public transport that exists during the games remains particularly on future SmartBus routes such as Stud Road.

Environment Victoria spoke on their campaign efforts, including their focus on public transport within Knox, which includes the need for upgraded bus services, the Knox tram and the Rowville rail line.

The additional bus services provided during the games has demonstrated that additional evening services can be readily provided. Now that these services have finally been committed the government must ensure that they remain. The provision of these additional services after the Games conclude will be a firm test on the seriousness of the State Government’s commitment towards public transport.

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