The Transport Integration Act aims to provide an integrated framework to assist in the planning and delivery of Victoria’s transport networks. The Act took effect on the 1st of July and aims to ensure that all decisions affecting the transport system support the same consistent objectives.

This morning I attended a presentation on the Act jointly convened by Tim Pallas, the Minister for Roads and Jim Betts, Secretary for the Department of Transport. The presentation covered the objectives of the Act and the framework in which the transport system will be operating within.

While the Legislation is certainly an improvement, it is still too early to be able to assess its impact on Victoria’s transport system. The framework should in theory elevate the importance of transport projects, like the redevelopment of Ringwood Station, which would deliver an integrated transport network through public transport, walking and cycling.

Ultimately the effectiveness of Legislation rests in its implementation and it is imperative that the State Government and its respective agencies support a sustainable and integrated transport network within Melbourne and Victoria.


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