Maroondah Leader: Maroondah a low-rating council

The Municipal of Victoria (MAV) is the peak body representing local government and recently compiled the results of Council rates and the impact is has on residents.

As reported through the Maroondah Leader, Maroondah has the seventh lowest rates and charges in Victoria and returning the budget to surplus will reduce rating pressures in future years:

Mayor Alex Makin said the rate increase was needed to reduce the council’s deficit, and delaying the hike would only cause more pain next year.

“The important element of this budget is about getting back into the black, Cr Makin said. “We need to rectify 14 years of a council living beyond its means.”

The Council budget will produce an operational surplus from the 2012-2013 financial year meaning that Council will be financially stable and able to re-invest in community infrastructure.

Cr Makin said Maroondah had the lowest rates compared with municipalities of 90,000 to 120,000 people

Creating a financial sustainable Council means provides to ability to invest in community infrastructure while creating downward pressures on rates within future years. Maroondah City Council, like any business or household needs to live within its means and the 2010/2011 Budget will ensure financial stability for coming years.


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