Maroondah Business Week is an annual Council initiated program that aims to promote and enhance businesses within the municipality. The Week consists of workshops, tours and networking events offering a range of activities to cater to the business sectors within Maroondah.

One of these events is the Maroondah Business Week Breakfast, which featured David Schwarz as the speaker. David was a former footballer and Vice-Captain for Melbourne Football Club and discussed the challenges he faced during this career, including a gambling addiction, which he spoke about candidly during the breakfast session.

Alex with David Schwarz and Cr Rob Steane at the 2010 Maroondah Business Week Breakfast
Alex with David Schwarz and Cr Rob Steane at the 2010 Maroondah Business Week Breakfast

David’s openness set him apart from some of the speakers of other years and he spoke candidly about the difficulties in establishing a post football career. David’s comments reflect the need for ongoing perseverance and the advantages of networking within businesses and provided a number of parallels between his experiences and the challenges facing business.

As part of the proceedings I had the opportunity to introduce Maroondah Business Week and the speech I provided is available in this post:

Welcome to the 2010 Maroondah Business Week Breakfast, sponsored by National Australia Bank.

Maroondah City Council, in the spirit of reconciliation, acknowledges that we are meeting on land for which the Wurundjeri people have been custodians for many centuries.

I would like to formally welcome my fellow Councillors, Cr Natalie Thomas and Cr Rob Steane.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Australia Bank, who through their sponsorship, have made today’s breakfast possible.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the partners of this year’s Business Week:

  • Queensland Investment Corporation;
  • Maroondah Weekly (previously the Maroondah Journal);
  • Eastland Shopping Centre;
  • Karralyka Centre;
  • RACV Business Insurance;
  • The Victorian Government; and of course
  • National Australia Bank.

This year Maroondah Business Week has already provided a great deal of information for businesses and prospective business owners.

Information such as how to market their business on line, start a business on the right track, how to be an employer of choice and how all tiers of Government can assist business – are just a few of the events held so far.

In addition the bus tour of Ringwood held yesterday provided better understanding of how the area will continue to grow and prosper as a Central Activity District.

With many events still to come, I’m sure you’ll agree that the annual Maroondah Business Week Program improves every year.

I would like to also take this opportunity to thank the Economic Development staff at Council for again putting together this excellent program, and also recognise the wonderful efforts of the staff and management of the Karralyka Centre, throughout Maroondah Business Week.

Please enjoy this morning’s breakfast and I hope to see you at other events throughout 2010 Maroondah Business Week.


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