Media Release: Key planning documents on public exhibition

The community has the chance to give feedback on two key planning documents that will contribute toward Ringwood’s evolution into the Central Activities District and regional centre for Melbourne’s outer east.

The Ringwood Commercial Precinct Plan and the Ringwood North West Residential Precinct Plan provide the framework for achieving some of the goals set out in the Melbourne 2030 Update: Melbourne @ 5 million. This policy update responds to higher-than-anticipated population growth and requires a change to the structure of metropolitan Melbourne from its reliance on one major centre towards multiple major centres to reduce congestion and maintain Melbourne’s liveability.

Councillor Alex Makin said the precinct plans would ensure that all applicable future development would be undertaken in a manner consistent with the objectives of the Ringwood Transit City Urban Design Masterplan and Melbourne 2030 Update. Cr Makin said they would also provide a higher level of certainty for future outcomes to the local community and to developers.

“Both precincts were identified in the Ringwood Transit City Urban Design Masterplan as requiring additional planning work to stimulate appropriate development and to enable the provision of the necessary infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing city,” Cr Makin said.

“Potential currently exists to upgrade the image and presentation of Maroondah Highway and allow for a new regime of frontage showroom buildings and landscape treatments that can project a sense of pride along the route. This potential is harnessed by the Ringwood Commercial Precinct Plan,” Cr Makin said.

The Commercial Precinct is one of several precincts within the Ringwood Central Activities District area and is bound by Heatherdale Road to the west, Bond Street to the north, Mt Dandenong Road to the east and the Belgrave/Lilydale rail line to the south.

“The Commercial Precinct is considered important because of its location and role as a gateway between Melbourne’s Central Business District and the Yarra Valley,” Cr Makin said.

The Ringwood North West Residential Precinct has been identified as an area to accommodate a substantial level of change in the coming years.

“It will be one of very few locations in the outer east to develop higher density housing,” Cr Makin said.

This precinct comprises all residential land encompassed by Bond Street, New Street, Ringwood Street, the Ringwood Bypass and Eastlink. It also takes in the western side of Ringwood Street, north of Bond Street.

Both precinct plans are on exhibition until Friday 7 August. The plans are available for public inspection during office hours at the following locations:

Council Service Centres:

  • Braeside Avenue Service Centre, Ringwood
  • Eastland Service Centre, Level 2 Eastland Shopping Centre, Ringwood
  • Civic Square Shopping Centre, Civic Square, Croydon


  • Croydon Library, Civic Square, Croydon
  • Ringwood Library, Ringwood Plaza, Ringwood


Submissions can be made in writing until Friday 7 August and sent to:

Mr Phil Turner
Director City Development
Maroondah City Council
PO Box 156
Ringwood 3134

Submissions must be made in writing, stating the submitter’s name, address and daytime phone number, and including views on the precinct plan the submitter wishes to be put before Council. All submissions are public documents.

For more information phone Council on 1300 88 22 33.


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