
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), the peak body representing local government within Victoria, organised a meeting of transport coalitions to ensure cooperation between the different local government and community organisations that are advocating for public transport improvements.

Presentations were delivered by the:

  • Western Transport Alliance;
  • Eastern Transport Coalition;
  • Metropolitan Transport Forum;
  • Coalition for People’s Transport (including the PTUA);

There is broad agreement between the various organisations that improved public transport is critical to the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Melbourne and that the State Government must start to deliver results. Likewise, there was also consensus that the Federal Government has a role to play in keeping State Governments accountable.

With rising petrol prices and further pressures on housing affordability, public transport improvements are critical to alleviating ongoing financial hardship for families. With car dependence often costing households to 30% of their income it is clear that sustainable transport – including much need rail extensions and further bus improvements are required to ensure an economically vibrant Melbourne.


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