2009-2010 State Budget Breakfast

This morning I attended the 2009-2010 State Government’s budget breakfast, hosted by the James Merlino, Member for Monbulk and the Minister for Sports, Recreation and Youth Affairs, as well as Tammy Lobato the Member for Gembrook.

The breakfast included a presentation from the Treasurer John Lenders, who spoke about the challenges facing Victoria in coming years and the initiatives announced within the Budget.

The State Government has announced and budgeted for the $39 million redevelopment of the Ringwood Station forecourt and bus interchange. Unfortunately the State Government has not been forthcoming with funding for the second stage of this project, which would presumably include the redevelopment of the station itself, so that it would comply with disability compliance and provide passenger conveniences on the main platforms.

While the first stage of the project will certainly assist in improving the image of Ringwood Station, it is imperative that the State Government promptly provides funding for the second stage.

Several public transport improvements are expected over the next year, including further bus improvements and additional trains. It is hoped that this Budget marks the beginning of a real emphasis on public transport to mitigate traffic congestion and provide a sustainable and accessible form of travel.


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