Media Release: Master the art of web marketing

Small businesses are being given the chance to boost their social marketing skills at a workshop on Wednesday March 23.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said Web Works for Small Business would be valuable for any business owner wanting to get ahead of the competition.

“Online marketing has become such a vital tool in business promotion and networking. There is a whole world of opportunity out there, but the key is knowing how to make your website work for you,” Cr Makin said.

“This workshop has been developed especially for owners of small business.  It can help business owners develop practical skills in web marketing which can be immediately applied to their businesses activities,” Cr Makin said.

“Some of the topics of discussion include how to attract and retain customers through website marketing, using the Internet to identify competitors, reducing the costs of marketing and creating regional or national networks,” Cr Makin said.

Following completion of the workshop attendees will have access to future mentoring opportunities and resources.

Web Works for Small Business is on from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Wednesday March 23 2011 at Council Offices, Braeside Avenue, Ringwood. The event is free, but a $20 surcharge is required to secure your place, and will be refunded post attendance.

The workshop is proudly supported by Maroondah City Council, Chisholm, SBMS, Business Enterprise Centres Victoria and AusIndustry, an Australian Government Initiative.

To reserve your place at the Web Works for Small Business workshop contact the Business Enterprise Centre on 9238 8550 or email

Media Release: Survivors of Stroke taking to the stage

Maroondah-based choir Stroke a Chord is celebrating its first birthday by launching a website and announcing its first public performance.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said the choir started in 2010 to allow people with limited or no speech to experience something positive and joyful with their voice in a social and understanding environment.

“Imagine not being able to speak but having the ability to sing perfectly. This is the reality experienced by a number of people living with aphasia,” Cr Makin said.

“The idea for the choir was first raised during Stroke Week 2008. After hearing that several people in Maroondah were living with aphasia, Council took the first tentative steps towards the formation of a choir,” Cr Makin said.

“With the help of a number of external organisations, the choir has gone from strength to strength, with more than 20 members now meeting every week at Maroondah Family Church in Ringwood East,” Cr Makin said.

“Thanks to a $15,000 grant from the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust the choir has a qualified music therapist working alongside the participants to ensure they are getting the most out of the experience,” Cr Makin said.

“After a trial performance in front of a group of family and friends the choir are now ready to perform publicly, with their first performance to be held at Karralyka Theatre during Stroke Week in September,” Cr Makin said.

Last month Stroke a Chord launched its own website,, to raise awareness of aphasia and the choir in the community.

“Having a website allows the choir to expand their network and hopefully increase its profile, so more people know what they do and how people can become involved,” Cr Makin said.

“The site provides a background on the choir, information on aphasia, and links to resources which are available to people who have aphasia,” Cr Makin said.

Stroke a Chord will perform publicly for the first time at 2pm, Saturday September 17 at Karralyka Theatre, Ringwood East. For more information

The Stroke a Chord initiative is a partnership between Maroondah City Council, Yooralla, Royal Talbot Hospital, University of Queensland, Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Croydon Stroke Support Group and Melbourne University.

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Media Release: Join in the annual Clean Up Australia Day

It’s not too late to register a site to help beautify Maroondah during Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 6 March.

Councillor Alex Makin said various sites had already been identified around Maroondah, including the Council coordinated site at Mullum Mullum Creek.

“This year Council will be working at the Mullum Mullum Creek in Ringwood, and we will gladly welcome extra pairs of hands on the day,” Cr Makin said.

“If you’re willing to help, you can meet Council representatives at the end of Acacia Court, Ringwood between 9.30am and 11.30am,” Cr Makin said.

“Helpers are asked to be safe when participating by wearing sturdy footwear, gloves, sunscreen and a hat, and by bringing refreshments and a bucket,” Cr Makin said.

“The Maroondah community has always been very supportive of Clean Up Australia Day, with more than 110 people collecting more than one tonne of rubbish from across seven sites during last years event,” Cr Makin said.

“We value the many volunteers who keep coming back to help clean up our parks, reserves and roadsides. It would be wonderful to see some new faces at this year’s event, to show that the Maroondah community care about reducing our impact on the environment,” Cr Makin said.

For further information or to register your involvement at Council’s Clean Up site call Council on 9298 4369 or visit

Other community sites organised for the day are at Ringwood Lake, Dandenong Creek, Anderson’s Creek and Tarralla Creek. To find out more or register to help at these sites call Clean Up Australia on 1800 282 329 or visit

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Media Release: Croydon man prosecuted for littering

A Croydon man has been convicted and fined $1635 after pleading guilty to three separate littering offences.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said the matter was heard at the Ringwood Magistrate’s Court on Monday 7 February.

“Following an extensive investigation by Council officers the man was charged with three separate offences for dumping bags of printer cartridges during September and October,” Cr Makin said.

“The man was placed on a good behaviour bond, ordered to pay court costs of $635 and to contribute $1000 to a charity nominated by the Court,” Cr Makin said.

“Council is extremely pleased with this verdict, especially given the nature of the products being dumped. Any goods which contain hazardous chemicals, like printer cartridges, are extremely hazardous to residents and the environment and need to be disposed of appropriately,” Cr Makin said.

“Council will not tolerate the dumping of rubbish in our beautiful municipality. We take these matters seriously and will do all we can to ensure that those who participate in this illegal action will be held accountable,” Cr Makin said.

“At the end of the day dumping rubbish in our municipality not only impacts the environment and appearance of our suburbs, it also comes as a major cost to ratepayers,” Cr Makin said.

“Council has a number of processes in place to ensure residents can dispose of their rubbish easily and safely,” Cr Makin said.

“Maroondah households with a residential waste service are entitled to two hard waste collections of up to two cubic metres per financial year. When households require a hard waste collection, residents need to register with Council and they will be provided with a date in which they can place their hard waste on the nature strip,” Cr Makin said.

“For those who aren’t sure if their waste is eligible to be collected as part of this service simply pick up the phone and speak to one of Council’s customer service officers who will be able to assist you to dispose of your waste correctly,” Cr Makin said.

As a reminder, the correct procedure to follow when making a hard waste booking is:

  • Ring Council on 1300 88 22 33 to make a booking.
  • Place acceptable items out in a neat pile the weekend before your collection.
  • Put the ‘booked’ collection sticker supplied to you by Council on your pile facing the roadway.

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Media Release: Get to know your Mullum Ward Councillors

People living in Mullum Ward will have an opportunity to mingle with their local councillors during the first Maroondah Picnic in the Park event for 2011.

The event provides an opportunity to have a chat with your friendly Mullum Ward Councillors Ann Fraser, Nora Lamont and Alex Makin at Maroondah Federation Estate on Saturday 26 February.

“The Picnic in the Park is a fantastic concept which allows us, as ward councillors, to meet members of the community face-to-face and discuss all sorts of things,” Cr Fraser said.

“People can come along and have a chat about whatever is on their minds. It doesn’t have to have anything to do with Council matters,” Cr Fraser said.

“We encourage all Mullum residents to come along to the event and share with us their views on the area, and what they love about living in Maroondah,” Cr Makin said.

“An event like this is a perfect opportunity to speak face to face with a councillor and have your questions answered and your concerns addressed,” Cr Makin said.

“These picnics are a good chance for everyone to get to know each other on a different level, and find out more about the services offered by Council,” Cr Lamont said.

“The event coincides with the 10th anniversary celebrations of Maroondah Federation Estate, so residents will also be able to join in the festivities which include demonstrations from community groups, artists talks and fun activities for the kids,” Cr Lamont said.

Mullum Ward is located on the western side of Maroondah and includes most of Ringwood and Ringwood North, half of Ringwood East, and a small part of Croydon and Heathmont.

Head along to Maroondah Federation Estate on Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood, between 12noon and 4pm on Saturday 26 February to be part of the Picnic in the Park event.

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Media Release: Putting wetlands on the map

Residents are being urged to get to know their local parklands to celebrate World Wetlands Day on 2 February.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said Maroondah has various wetlands that attract an array of flora and fauna.

“Wetlands play such an important role in creating ecosystems that support various populations of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. These animals are often not found anywhere else,” Cr Makin said.

“Wetlands also help to absorb pollutants which can be washed off our roads and roofs into the storm water system, which leads to improved water quality for our rivers and creeks,” Cr Makin said.

“Ringwood Lake is probably one of the best known wetlands in Maroondah, but there are other hidden treasures worth taking the time to explore,” Cr Makin said.

“Candlebark Walk Reserve in Croydon Hills is an important link in the habitat corridor that extends from Warranwood Reserve to Yarrunga Reserve,” Cr Makin said.

“For the keen bird watchers, the reserve is home to the Purple Swamp Hen, Australian Wood-duck, Little Pied Cormorant and the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, to name a few,” Cr Makin said.

“If you’re lucky you may even spot a koala, wallaby or echidna in the area,” Cr Makin said.

Other wetlands in Maroondah worth exploring are Yarrunga Reserve, Settler Orchard Reserve and Narr Maen Reserve, all of which are in Croydon Hills.

New wetlands are also being constructed as part of residential development sites in Maroondah including The Range in Croydon and Bayview Rise in Bayswater North.

World Wetlands Day was first celebrated in 1997 to mark the signing of the Convention on Wetlands which took place in 1971 in a small Iranian town called Ramsar. The Convention is now commonly referred to as the Ramsar Convention.

“During the time of the signing there was concern from many countries about the declining number of wetlands and waterbirds. It was hoped the international treaty would help to prevent further loss of wetlands by providing countries with a framework for action and establish an international cooperation aimed at the conservation and wise use of wetlands,” Cr Makin said.

“For the past 40 years the annual World Wetlands Day has provided an opportunity for all levels of government and community groups to raise public awareness of the critical role wetlands play in maintaining our natural environment,” Cr Makin said.

The theme for World Wetlands Day 2011 is “wetlands and forests – forests for water and wetlands” in celebration of the United Nations International Year of Forests.

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Media Release: New tobacco laws introduced

Maroondah City Council is reminding residents of new tobacco laws which came into effect on 1 January 2011.

Councillor Alex Makin said only State approved registered tobacconists can display tobacco products or packaging in their store. All other retailers must store tobacco products out of view.

“While outlets are still able to sell tobacco, the new regulations mean that no tobacco products can be visible from anywhere inside or outside the outlet,” Cr Makin said.

“Prior to the law changes tobacco was one of the most visible and widely accessible products on the market, which gives the impression that smoking is more popular than it actually is,” Cr Makin said.

“Reducing the visibility of the product will further protect young people from exposure to tobacco marketing and promotion, and hopefully lead to fewer people adopting the habit,” Cr Makin said.

“It is also hoped that removing the products from display will make it easier for those wanting to quit smoking,” Cr Makin said.

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of illness and death in Victoria, claiming around 4000 lives, causing 80 per cent of lung cancer cases and costing Victorians around $5 billion every year.

Retailers are permitted to display an A4 sized prescribed sign which indicates that tobacco products are available, and one prescribed price board.

To become a certified specialist tobacconist, 80 per cent of the retailer’s gross turnover must be made from the sale of tobacco products.

This is not the first change the State Government has made to the tobacco-related laws. Since 1 January 2010 key changes in Victoria have included:

  • Banning smoking in cars carrying children under the age of 18 years;
  • Banning the sale of tobacco at temporary outlets and providing State Government powers to ban youth-orientated tobacco products and packaging; and
  • Implementing improved services to assist people to quit smoking, with an emphasis on supporting pregnant women and groups with high smoking rates.

Those wanting more information on the changes should contact the Tobacco Information Line on 1300 136 775, email or visit

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Media Release: Join in the Australia Day festivities

Australia Day in Maroondah is again shaping as a fun-filled affair with a range of activities on offer for the entire family.

The action gets under way at 9.30am at Ringwood Lake Soundshell with a flag raising ceremony to mark the national day.

Councillor Alex Makin suggested residents to head on down and enjoy a free community barbecue and children’s activities including craft workshops, animal farm, jumping castle and face painting.

“There will also be live entertainment on offer with a performance by the Ringwood Folk Band,” Cr Makin said.

Cr Makin said the day also provided an opportunity to recognise some of our community’s most valued citizens.

“Australia Day is an opportunity for all of us to take pride in our citizenship and reflect on the meaning and importance of being Australian,” Cr Makin said.

“It will be a pleasure to recognise the contributions of Maroondah residents to the community during Council’s annual Australia Day awards,” Cr Makin said.

“The annual Australia Day awards will be presented to Maroondah’s Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, and Community Event of the Year,” Cr Makin said.

Cr Makin said the day was about coming together as a nation to celebrate what’s great about Australia and being Australian.

“It’s the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in Australia. It’s the day for us to recommit to making Australia an even better place for the future,” Cr Makin said.

“Each year Maroondah’s Australia Day celebrations draws a big crowd at Ringwood Lake. Council is again looking forward to welcoming the local community to celebrate what it is that makes them proud to be Australian,” Cr Makin said.

Event details:
9.30am: Flag raising ceremony
9.30am – 10.30am: Maroondah Australia Day Awards presentation and citizenship ceremony.
9.30am – 12.30pm: Family activities
11am – 12.30pm: Ringwood Folk Band perform

Getting there:

  • Via public transport: 10 minute walk from Ringwood Station or via bus route 670 which travels along Maroondah Highway. For further public transport information visit or call 131 638.
  • Limited parking is available at Ringwood Lake, enter via Mt Dandenong Road. Melways 49 K8.
  • Accessible drop off zone on Maroondah Highway.

Media Release: Fireworks and pets don’t mix

As Christmas cheer fills the air, family and friends gather to celebrate the festive and new year season. And no family celebration would be complete without our loyal family pets. However, while Christmas and New Year fireworks can be a popular attraction, unfortunately many family pets don’t enjoy the light and sound show the same way we do.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said the loud noises made by fireworks can easily spook family pets, and particularly dogs, who may be left unattended or in unsecured backyards.

“Dogs have an acute sense of hearing, which intensifies the loud ‘bangs’ of the fireworks and causes them to panic and be frightened. At this time of the year it is best to ensure your dog is secure in your home or back garden, and most importantly, don’t take them to events which will have fireworks,” Cr Makin said.

“Many of the dogs collected by Council officers last year were, fortunately, registered and some were even microchipped. Making sure your pet is always wearing its Council registration tag can also help us return your pet to you promptly,” Cr Makin said.

“Missing a loved one during the festive season can quickly dampen the celebrations, so please double check the security of your yard and make sure your pet is not one of the ones that goes missing this year,” Cr Makin said.

Further information:

Every dog and cat over the age of three months must be registered. All newly registered dogs and cats must be microchipped.

Discounts apply for pets that are desexed and are permanently identified by microchip, With applicable discounts, most people will pay $29 to register their dog and $23 for their cat. Pensioner concessions also apply.

Owners of animals who are unregistered may be fined $239, and if found wandering at large by Council Rangers will be fined $179 during the daytime and $239 after dark.

For more information about registering and microchipping your pet, please contact Council’s Local Laws team on 1300 88 22 33 or visit Council’s website at

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Media Release: Youth support services still available

Council’s youth team will continue to support Maroondah’s young people and their families over the Christmas school holidays.

Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said the last session of the EV’s Lounge drop-in program is on Friday 17 December, but youth workers are still available over the summer break.

“During the holidays our youth workers will be only be a phone call away for any young person 12-25 years old who is in need of assistance or referral to another support agency,” Cr Makin said.

“So if you or someone you know finds themselves in a position where they need support or help, then our youth workers can provide information on almost any issue, including school, finding a job, family issues, getting involved in the community, or if a young person is just having a hard time,” Cr Makin said.

“For those wanting information outside of business hours the Maroondah Youth Services website offers a range of information including activities on offer in Maroondah to keep young people entertained, contact details for other local support services, and other resources for young people and their families,” Cr Makin said.

“The Maroondah Youth Card is also a good source of information. The handy wallet-sized card provides a range of afterhours support numbers which can be used in times of need,” Cr Makin said.

“The card, which caters for people aged 12-25, also includes discounts for local businesses and recreational facilities which will definitely come in handy over the summer break,” Cr Makin said.

To get your hands on the card visit or pick one up at EV’s Youth Centre, 212 Mt Dandenong Road, Croydon or Council Service Centres.

For more information contact Council’s Youth Services team on 9294 5709, email or visit

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