Month: July 2006
July Maroondah Disability Forum
Maroondah’s Disability Forum operates on a quarterly basis to allow Council to gather input on accessibility issues within the City of Maroondah and to report on the progress on resolving such issues. July’s meeting included a presentation from Eastern Recreation Leisure Services which works with sporting clubs to ensure an inclusive sporting program to cater…
MAV: Melbourne 2030 and Urban Planning Discussion Forum
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak representative and lobbying body for Victoria’s 79 councils and is the official voice of local government within Victoria. Given the MAV’s status as a peak body, the State Government’s Melbourne 2030 planning framework has received considerable attention given that a five-year review of Melbourne 2030 is…
Ringwood Historical Society – A Photographic Journey Through Time
Tonight I attended the July meeting of the Ringwood Historical Society which featured a pictorial overview of the development that has occurred along Main Street Ringwood with a specific emphasis on the area between Ringwood Street and Warrandyte Road. Extensive work was undertaken by the Ringwood Historical Society in collating and researching the photographs and…
Maroondah Journal: Third track 'not on' says govt
In 1999 the then Bracks Opposition pledged to construct a third track from Box Hill to Mitcham with the promise of delivering ‘flier trains’ to provide express services from Ringwood. This promise was again reiterated for the 2002 State Election but has subsequently been quickly forgotten by the State Government. The Maroondah Journal has again…
MAV: Workshop on Community Engagement
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak representative and lobbying body for Victoria’s 79 councils and is the official voice of local government within Victoria. The MAV has been particularly focused on community engagement and governance to ensure that the community is actively engaged in council decisions. To provide a glimpse of similar…
Community Events and the Eastern Transport Coalition (ETC)
Over the past fortnight I attended a number of community focused events, including the 31st Army Cadet Unit, the eastern suburb group of the Order of Australia, which aims to provide a local meeting point for the recipients of this distinguished award. I also attended a presentation by the Friends of Kolkata, which is a…
Delegates' Reports
Delegates’ reports are presented at each council meeting to provide an opportunity to report on committees, events and other activities attended by a councillor. These reports consist of two components: A written report that is tabled at each council meeting and which lists the events and committees attended by a councillor; A verbal report, which…
Blackburn and The End of Suburbia
Following the success of the Rowville End of Suburbia screening the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) in conjunction with Environment Victoria (EV) and Friends of the Earth hosted an End of Suburbia screening in Blackburn at the Blackburn Lake Visitors Centre. Like Rowville the event attracted almost 100 attendees and was followed by discussion from…
Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF)
The Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF) is an advocacy group comprising of seventeen local councils which endeavours to promote effective, efficient and equitable transport in metropolitan Melbourne by providing a forum for debate, research and policy development, and by disseminating information to improve transport choices. The MTF organised a public forum entitled Just the Ticket! Destination…
Eastern Transport Coalition (ETC) – Meeting with Terry Mulder, Shadow Minister for Transport
Tonight’s Eastern Transport Coalition (ETC) meeting was attended by Terry Mulder, the Shadow Minister for Transport to discuss public transport issues within Melbourne’s east. Terry Mulder as the Shadow Minister for Transport has been widely consultative and willing to engage community groups, councils and residents for the formulation of the Opposition’s Transport Policies. With the…