The Melbourne Metropolitan Mayor’s Network

The Melbourne Metropolitan Mayors Network is a meeting of Mayors across Metropolitan Melbourne, convened through the City of Melbourne.  The Network has a focus on issues common to Melbourne’s metropolitan councils, with today’s session discussing urban planning and infrastructure.

The session began with a presentation on the Commonwealth Government’s Major Cities Unit, which aims to provide Federal involvement in the way Australia’s cities develop and function.  Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world and yet the Commonwealth Government has typically had little involvement within urban planning and development.

The Major Cities Unit has been working with Infrastructure Australia to identify shortfalls in infrastructure across Australia and its cities.  Funding commitments from the Commonwealth is dependent on respective State Governments completing a metropolitan plan for its cities to ensure a holistic approach to projects.

The Melbourne Metropolitan Mayor’s Network aims to advocate to the State and Federal Governments for a holistic approach to Melbourne’s urban planning and infrastructure needs.  Many of the participants highlighted the need for public transport improvements as an example of this need for holistic planning.


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