Croydon West Primary Ride2School Day

Ride2School is a program developed by Bicycle Victoria and delivered in partnership with local schools and community groups.  The program aims to increase the number of students that walk and ride to school.

Several Maroondah based schools participated in the program, with the assistance of Transition Towns Maroondah.   This morning I assisted Croydon West Primary in writing certificates for the many students that participated in the program, walking or cycling to school.

Alex signing certificates at Croydon West Primary for students walking and cycling as part of Ride2School day.
Alex signing certificates at Croydon West Primary for students walking and cycling as part of Ride2School day.

The ride2School program was incredibly successful at Croydon West Primary, with the school offering a breakfast for students and storage facilities filled with bicycles.  Ride2School helps demonstrate the benefits of walking and cycling, through reducing car dependence, minimising traffic congestion near schools, encouraging fitness and promoting environmental sustainability.