Maroondah Leader: Going backwards

The Melbourne Transport Forum (MTF), is a grouping of local Councils and community organisations, involved in advocating for public transport improvements.

The MTF has launched a series of online polls through its pt4me2 campaign, which aims to highlight public transport issues across Metropolitan Melbourne. The first of these surveys, aims to gauge community views on rail stations, with respondents choosing the worst stations in Melbourne.

With 4000 respondents to the survey, Ringwood has been rated as the second worst rail station within Metropolitan Melbourne, second only to Richmond, which serves as a busy junction for Melbourne’s eastern and south-eastern rail network.

The Maroondah Leader has reported on the results of the survey and the implications for Ringwood Station:

Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin said the station’s low ranking was not a surprise.

“It is well known that the station is not disability discrimination act compliant,” Cr Makin said. “What is surprising is how poorly regarded it is to all of Melbourne.”

Many respondents stated that Ringwood Station is difficult to access and perceived to be unsafe.  The steepness of the ramps at Ringwood Station means that it fails disability compliance standards.  Furthermore the Station fails to function as an integrated transport interchange, through difficult pedestrian, bus and bicycle access.

“When you compare how many people must pass through Richmond compared to Ringwood it shows just how severe issues at the Station are.”

While the State Government has committed to redevelop the bus interchange there has been no funding announcement towards the essential redevelopment of the Station itself.  Ringwood, as a Central Activities District, and junction to the Belgrave and Lilydale rail lines, needs a transit interchange that is safe, accessible and integrated with pedestrian, bicycle, rail and bus facilities.

Maroondah Leader: City walks up an award

The City of Maroondah on behalf of our community was awarded the highest level of community engagement within metropolitan Melbourne for Walktober, which was held last year during the month of October.

The Maroondah Leader has reported on this achievement:

Mayor Alex Makin, who accepted the award from the Department of Transport last week, said residents had responded to the challenge issued to get active last October.

“Last year, Walktober organisers sent out a challenge to all councils, community groups and organisations to set the pace with the most walking events registered with Walktober,” Cr Makin said.

Combined the community and council registered 55 walks during Walktober, the highest number of events within Metropolitan Melbourne.

“The walks, organised by both council and community groups, catered for a wide range of interests and capabilities, and included pram walks, bush walks, historical walks and all abilities walks,” Cr Makin said.

Walktober is an event that promotes both community engagement and sustainable transport and it is fantastic to see the community eagerly support this program. Walktober is an annual event and will return in October 2010.