Discussing experiences as a Councillor for the MAV Stand for Council Campaign

Being an elected Councillor requires an ongoing time commitment coupled with an understanding of good governance and the ability to respond to community feedback. Victorian council elections will be held at the end of October in all local councils with the exception of Brimbank City Council.

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) provides introductory sessions for prospective council candidates to assist in understanding the role and responsibilities of local government. The sessions include an overview from a neighbouring Council Chief Executive Officer and Councillor to discuss the role of council officers and elected representatives.

This evening I was invited to speak at the information session held at Knox City Council to provide an overview of my experiences in local government and advice on conducting council campaigns. The session provided an opportunity for candidates to discuss the operations of a Council and the role that Councillors undertake within the community. In particular I was able to provide an overview of governance structures for Council to assist candidates in understanding how Councillors can deliver results for the community.

I attended a similar information session in 2005 when I first stood for local government in Maroondah and found that the discussion was useful in gaining an insight into councils. Candidates should be advised to learn about local government and its decision making processes to ensure that they can become effective representatives for their community.

Media Release: Push to turn Maroondah’s street lighting green

Maroondah residents were among more than 3500 people to support a Municipal Association of Victoria petition calling on an upgrade to energy efficient street lighting.

Maroondah Mayor Councillor Alex Makin thanked those Maroondah residents who pledged their support to the Give Our Streets the Green Light campaign.

“The petition was calling on the State and Federal governments to partner with local councils to fund the $114 million upgrade costs which come with the switch to energy efficient street lighting,” Cr Makin said.

“The Municipal Association of Victoria delivered the community petitions to the Premier and Opposition Leader ahead of last Friday’s Local Government Climate Change Summit,” Cr Makin said.

“The Municipal Association of Victoria are confident the strong support by 46 councils and their communities will result in a commitment ahead of the state election to contribute some funding to fast-track the changeover to energy efficient street lighting,” Cr Makin said.

“Securing a combined contribution of $45million over four years from the Federal and State Governments would mean that councils could change about 330,000 street lights from 80W mercury vapour lamps to energy efficient globes at a low cost and in a quicker turn around,” Cr Makin said.

In Maroondah the upfront costs of replacing more than 5500 mercury vapour globes currently lighting Maroondah’s streets is about $2million.

Cr Makin said the reason for changing to more energy efficient globes was to reduce Council’s greenhouse gas emissions and create a greener more energy-efficient future.

“Council estimates that 31 per cent of its green house gas emissions and 22 per cent of its electricity costs are generated by lighting Maroondah’s local streets,” Cr Makin said.

“Electricity is predominately generated by burning brown coal which results in significant green house gases. By making the change to energy efficient globes, we can reduce our carbon footprint and work towards mitigating the effects of climate change,” Cr Makin said.

“The sooner the change over the sooner we start making a difference,” Cr Makin said.

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Speaking to Grade Three and Four Students at Heathmont East Primary

This morning I was invited to speak to approximately 100 grade three and four students at Heathmont East Primary, located in Louis Street, near Canterbury Road in Heathmont.

One of the roles of being Mayor is to explain how Councils function and to discuss the role of being a Councillor and Mayor. This morning I spoke about the ward structure of Maroondah and helped clarify the responsibilities of local councils, compared to State and Federal governments.

I also spoke about growing up in Heathmont, where I was a student of Marlborough Primary, a school in close proximity to Heathmont East. It was great to see the students taking part in the discussion and asking many questions, ranging from the services Council provides to how decisions are made by Councillors.

Australia’s system of governance, with Local, State and Federal Governments, can seem overtly complex at times and it was great to provide an opportunity to discuss the role of Council and the importance of our local community.

Discussing Federal Involvement within Central Activities Districts

The Cities of Whitehorse and Frankston, like the City of Maroondah, each have an identified Central Activities District, namely Box Hill, Frankston and Ringwood respectively.

These locations, which are in close proximity to rail stations, have been identified as sites for urban revitalisation, including higher densities and mixed use development. The aim is to provide increased housing, employment and community opportunities within these localities and thus provide more facilities closer to people’s home.

While the policy direction is set by the State Government, local councils are often required to implement policies to support these aims, including structure plans and precinct plans that determine future vision for these centres. The role of the Federal Government in supporting our cities, is an area that is yet to be fully explored.

The Commonwealth Government established the Major Cities Unit to explore the role of our cities in a national context and this afternoon myself and the Mayors of Whitehorse and Frankston discussed the importance of the Central Activities Districts within this framework.

While the Major Cities Unit will be consulting local government, it is imperative that the Central Activities Districts are treated uniquely, given the additional need for infrastructure and investment within these centres.

It is encouraging that the Federal Government is exploring how it can help shape our cities to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits. It is imperative that this work continues given that Australia is among the few countries in the world that lacks a federal perspective on the role and function of our cities.

Maroondah City Council adopts 2010/2011 Budget

Unlike other levels of government, local councils are required to place their draft budgets on exhibition to enable comment from the public, prior to the budget being formally considered by Council. This evening Council formally discussed the 2010/2011 Budget, with Councillors resolving to adopt the budget as per the draft that was released last month.

Adopting a budget is never an easy decision and unfortunately Maroondah City Council has been operating with a deficit for twelve out of the past 14 years, including a staggering loss of over $8 million in the 1998/1999 financial year and $1.8 million in the 2004/2005 year. Like any organisation, delivering consecutive losses is not sustainable and diminishes the ability to invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs.

Maroondah has long required community groups to demonstrate financial sustainability and Council should follow this same advice. As a Council there is a need to deliver operational surpluses to enable investment in community infrastructure and much needed facilities, but this is only possible if Council operates with financial stability.

As a consequence Council had to make the difficult decision of increasing rates by 9.8%, or approximately $1.88 per week, to provide a sustainable foundation for the City of the Maroondah. While this may appear to be large increase in percentage terms, Maroondah has the seventh lowest rates when compared with Victoria’s 79 councils. Furthermore, a review of operations will be undertaken over the 2010/2011 financial year to control cost pressures into the future.

Importantly, the 2010/2011 Budget reverses almost a decade and a half of Council living beyond its means by restoring financial stability, through delivering an operational surplus from the 2012/13 financial year. As a result Council will be in a position to invest in much needed community facilities and will reduce pressures on rates in future years.

The first facility to be improved is the Ringwood Aquatic Centre, which has reached the end of its functional life and as a consequence has faced declining patronage and rising maintenance costs. The 2010/2011 Budget facilitates the construction of a new multi-purpose Maroondah Aquatic and Leisure Centre to be operational by the end of 2013. The Budget supports this vision through the funding of detailed design work and community consultation for the proposed facility, which equates to 1.1% of the overall rating strategy.

The adoption of the 2010/2011 Budget has not been an easy decision and it has been one of the most stressful experiences during my time as Mayor. Ultimately its adoption was the right choice to make, as it ensures a sustainable future for the City of Maroondah by delivering a Council that can live within its means while investing in much needed community infrastructure.. I applaud the five of my Council colleagues who supported the Budget, particularly since it will reduce rating pressures in future years, resulting in lower costs and better facilities for our community.

The 2010 National General Assembly of the Australian Local Government Association

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is the peak body representing local government at a national level.  Each year the organisation holds a National General Assembly, where Councils across the country nominate motions to influence the priorities and initiatives undertaken by ALGA.

This year Maroondah proposed three motions to be debated at the National General Assembly, covering the need for the Commonwealth Government to provide funding for infrastructure required to meet ongoing population growth, as well as support for replacing existing street lighting with energy efficient lights.  A third motion calling for funding certainty for Home and Community Care Services (HACC) has already been achieved given that the the Commonwealth Government has committed to protecting arrangements for Victoria.

Maroondah’s motions were successful and it is encouraging to see Councils across the country supporting each other in calling for the best outcomes for our community and the nation. One of the advantages of ALGA is the dialogue between local councils and the Commonwealth, with several Members of Parliament, across all political parties, speaking at the conference.

Attending the ALGA Conference in Canberra is a time demanding task and it is encouraging to see several of my colleagues recognising the importance of a strong Maroondah presence at the National Assembly and during discussions with Federal Members of Parliament.  Maroondah’s CEO Frank Dixon, as well as Councillors Michael Macdonald, Paul Macdonald, Rob Steane and Les Willmott joined me in Canberra and I thank them for their attendance.

While we were in Canberra we took the opportunity to meet the Federal Members of Parliament, which include Maroondah within their electorates and I would like to thank Mike Symon, the Member for Deakin, Kevin Andrews, the Member for Menizes and Tony Smith, the Member for Casey for their time.  In addition, we had the opportunity to speak to several Ministers and senior advisors and Canberra serves as a useful opportunity to discuss Maroondah’s priorities and the need for further collaboration and partnerships between multiple levels of Government.

All levels of government need to work together to deliver the best possible outcomes for our community and Maroondah’s presence in Canberra helped to convey the need for this partnership and collaboration.

Day Two of the Local Government Ministerial Forum

The Local Government Ministerial Forum continued today with an opening keynote address from the Premier, John Brumby.  The Premier discussed State Government policies relevant to Local Government, including the planning system and  Central Activities Districts.

The State Government, in conjunction with local councils, designated several urban centres as Central Activities Districts, including Ringwood, Box Hill, Dandenong and Frankston within the eastern region of Melbourne.

The policy aims to encourage mixed-use centres, with a range of residential, commercial and community facilities.  These urban centres need a whole of Government approach to achieve these objectives, particularly in regard to infrastructure investment.

For example, many of these centres, including Ringwood, require public transport improvements to encourage sustainable forms of transport and to support the development of these urban centres.

Furthermore, there is a need to ensure that community facilities are provided within these centres to ensure vibrant and active communities.  The City of Maroondah, supports Ringwood’s status as  a Central Activities District, but there is a need for a coordinated approach to ensure a vibrant and sustainable urban centre.

The Local Government Ministerial Forum provided an opportunity to enter into direct dialogue with the State Government.  It is hoped that the City of Maroondah will have the opportunity for further discussions with Ministers and the Government to achieve positive outcomes for the community.

Maroondah Leader: Going backwards

The Melbourne Transport Forum (MTF), is a grouping of local Councils and community organisations, involved in advocating for public transport improvements.

The MTF has launched a series of online polls through its pt4me2 campaign, which aims to highlight public transport issues across Metropolitan Melbourne. The first of these surveys, aims to gauge community views on rail stations, with respondents choosing the worst stations in Melbourne.

With 4000 respondents to the survey, Ringwood has been rated as the second worst rail station within Metropolitan Melbourne, second only to Richmond, which serves as a busy junction for Melbourne’s eastern and south-eastern rail network.

The Maroondah Leader has reported on the results of the survey and the implications for Ringwood Station:

Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin said the station’s low ranking was not a surprise.

“It is well known that the station is not disability discrimination act compliant,” Cr Makin said. “What is surprising is how poorly regarded it is to all of Melbourne.”

Many respondents stated that Ringwood Station is difficult to access and perceived to be unsafe.  The steepness of the ramps at Ringwood Station means that it fails disability compliance standards.  Furthermore the Station fails to function as an integrated transport interchange, through difficult pedestrian, bus and bicycle access.

“When you compare how many people must pass through Richmond compared to Ringwood it shows just how severe issues at the Station are.”

While the State Government has committed to redevelop the bus interchange there has been no funding announcement towards the essential redevelopment of the Station itself.  Ringwood, as a Central Activities District, and junction to the Belgrave and Lilydale rail lines, needs a transit interchange that is safe, accessible and integrated with pedestrian, bicycle, rail and bus facilities.