Discussing Maroondah’s Draft Budget on Eastern FM

Radio Eastern 98.1 FM is a community based station based at Wyreena Community Arts Centre and covers the municipalities of Maroondah, Knox and Yarra Ranges. The station interviews Councillors from Maroondah City Council on the first Friday of each month and the segment is used to discuss Council activities.

This morning I was interviewed in regard to the Council Budget, where I provided some context behind the 2010-2011 Draft Budget. Unlike State and Federal Governments which simply deliver their finalised budgets in May, Councils are required to undertake consultation in regard to draft budgets.

As a result, Council held a special meeting of Council on the 12th May, where Councillors adopted the Draft Budget by placing it on public exhibition, whereby written submissions can be made until 5pm on Tuesday the 15th of June.

In addition, submitters have the option of speaking about their submission in front of a panel of Council comprising of Cr. Nora Lamont, Cr. Rob Steane and myself that will meet at 7pm on Wednesday the 23rd of June.

The 2010-2011 Draft Budget with the accompanying four year Council Plan proposes a vision for Maroondah, where Council provides a new standard of community facilities, complemented with a return to an operational surplus within two years. Maroondah City Council has consecutively delivered an operational deficit and this situation cannot continue if we want to be in a position where we can deliver the best results for our community.

One of the new initiatives proposed in the Draft Budget is a new Regional Leisure and Aquatic Centre for Ringwood. The 2010-2011 Draft Budget proposes to undertake detailed design work, including community consultation, to ascertain the composition of this facility. This detailed design work, equates to 1.1% of the overall rate figure of 9.8%.

The detailed design work will ensure that the community consultation that is undertaken by Council will deliver tangible results and ensure that the proposed aquatic centre meets the needs of the community.

Council will be considering all submissions prior to the finalisation of the Council Budget, which will be held at a special meeting of council on Monday the 28th of June.

For further details on Maroondah’s Draft 2010-2011 Draft Budget please visit www.maroondah.vic.gov.au.


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