Category: Submissions
Submission – Maroondah bus service reviews
The State Government is currently reviewing bus services across Maroondah, Knox and the Shire of Yarra Ranges and has called for submissions into the bus network within these municipalities. The initial deadline for submissions was Friday the 27th of February but this has now been extended until Friday the 3rd of April, since several workshops…
Response Submission to the VEC's representation review for Maroondah City Council
I have submitted my response submission to the Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC) representation review into Maroondah City Council. It is encouraging that the Victorian Electoral Commission has found that substantial changes are required to Maroondah’s ward structure as demonstrated through the three options brought forward in the preliminary submission. In providing a response to the…
VEC Preliminary Submission – Achieving a cohesive Maroondah community
Given that Maroondah City Council has failed to reflect the community’s views in its submission to the Victorian Electoral Commission I have authored my own individual submission recommending multi-member wards, as supported by the community. It is unfortunate that some councillors in Maroondah have chosen to disregard the community’s view and decided to put their…
Media Release: Youth in councils – a critical situation
MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION Thursday, 30 August 2007 Youth in councils – a critical situation In an individual submission issued over councillor remuneration, Cr. Alex Makin has highlighted the lack of youth participation in local government and called for higher councillor allowances to ensure more representative local councils. “The call for higher councillor allowances…
Submission: Councillor Remuneration Review Panel
The State Government has announced a review into councillor remuneration, as part of this process I authored a submission encouraging to examine the need for stronger youth represention with local government: Given the time commitment councillors provide, it is fair and reasonable to look at a level of remuneration that allows elected officials to adequately…
ALGA and the Maroondah Mobility Expo: Empowering the Community
I will be tabling my report but would like to elaborate further on two items, those being the National General Assembly of Local Government and the Maroondah Mobility Expo. From the 26th through to the 30th of November I along with Cr. Gurr and Cr. Willmott participated in the National General Assembly of local government…
National General Assembly of Local Government
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is the national body that represents the 673 councils within Australia. ALGA was formed as a federation of state and territory associations such as the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and other state or territory local council organisations. As a national body, ALGA is suitably poised to advocate on…
Eastern Transport Coalition: Evaluating the Fair Fares Campaign
Tonight’s Eastern Transport Coalition meeting focused on evaluating the results of the Fair Fares Campaign and on preparing to speak to candidates in the upcoming election about the ongoing public transport issues facing Melbourne’s outer east. While final results are still being prepared, it appears that approximately 60% of all commuters surveyed are driving substantial…
Delegates' Report: EVRC, Heatherdale Road and the ETC
I echo comments in regard to the Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre and the community service the organisation provides. In regard I will be tabling their Annual Report, which was presented at their 30th AGM. On the 13th I attended a meeting of the Heatherdale Community Action Group. This group, which represents the residents of Heatherdale,…
Achieving Transit Orientated Design
This submission was written in response to concepts discussed during the Community Reference Group meeting in September relating to the proposed redevelopment of Ringwood Station. Transit orientated design refers in part to the integration between public transport and commercial/residential/community precincts and as such is dependent on the convenience of public transport, active transport (walking and…